Construction of Productivity Models - A Tool-Supported Approach in the Area of Facility Management


  • Jörg Becker European Research Center for Information Systems, University of Münster
  • Torben Bernhold Department of Facility Management Fachhochschule Münster
  • Daniel Beverungen European Research Center for Information Systems, University of Münster
  • Nina Kaling Department of Facility Management Fachhochschule Münster
  • Ralf Knackstedt Institute for Business Economics and Information Systems University of Hildesheim
  • Vanessa Lellek Department of Facility Management Fachhochschule Münster
  • Hans Peter Rauer European Research Center for Information Systems, University of Münster



Productivity models specify input and output factors to inform productivity analyses. Current research and business practice face the challenge of developing a wide range of different productivity models. These models were created simultaneously but isolated from each other. As a consequence thereof, several practices of productivity model construction have emerged. This paper presents a unifying modelling language that lists and interrelates the essential constructs, pertinent to productivity models. Ultimately it was transferred into practice by employing a software tool. The application was conducted in the area of facility management, supporting two different approaches of productivity benchmarking. Facility management features a huge diversity of offered services and bundles. Thus, facility managers cope with various definitions of productivity that are then modelled with our approach.






Research Articles