Merry Christmas / EMISAJ now is indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)


As a community-driven open access journal, EMISAJ – International Journal of Conceptual Modeling relies on volunteers to run the journal’s editorial and reviewing processes, and on authors to recognize the value of such a community effort for the scientific community. We are very grateful to our editors, associate editors, reviewers, authors and executive editors in the editorial office for the countless hours they spent on making EMISAJ a success story.

In Volume 13 (2018), we published 13 research articles and research notes, 2 editorials for special issues as well as an extensive special issue in honor of Heinrich C. Mayr.

To top things off for 2018, we have just received word from the decision-makers at Clarivate Analytics to include EMISAJ in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a truly Happy New Year, and are looking forward to your submissions to EMISAJ in 2019!

Stefan Strecker, Agnes Koschmider (Editors-in-Chief)
Peter Fettke (Upcoming Editor-in-Chief)
Michael Fellmann, Hans-Georg Fill, Judith Michael (Editors)